Archive for March, 2011



  1. Kallie says:

    Love the red and white chair pics! Who could guess that he was crying like he was!! The pic with the skull beanie says it all!

  2. Kristin says:

    LOVE the 3rd one! Also, why didn’t Shane wear his matching skull beanie and legwarmers???
    So cute. Thanks for sharing!

  3. Angie says:

    These are awesome thank you for sharing. Carter is so danged cute!!!

  4. Candy Perkins says:

    Amazing!How can you choose? Carter a KEEPER-parents not so bad either! Thanks.

  5. Sara Burns says:

    He is darling and what a little man!! I cannot believe how big he has gotten.

  6. Stephanie says:

    These are amazing portraits!! How I wish my kids would stay little forever…looking at these, wow I am just in awe of them! GREAT JOB!!

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  1. Nickole says:

    Love them.. she is so cute and good model!!!

  2. noah says:

    that’s cute

  3. KC Owens says:

    She is adorable!!!!!!!!!! How precious!

  4. Julia says:

    Seriously the best newborn photography I’ve seen! She is so adorable in all those!

  5. Kristin N says:

    Great pictures of you all. Kate is adorable! I can’t wait to meet her in person. Hope you are well.

  6. Maureen says:

    Oh my goodness these are the cutest baby pictures!!!! Baby Kate is beautiful! I hope I can come visit soon. What a fabulous photographer, such great memories : )

  7. Kimber says:

    These pictures are amazing! Baby Kate is a beautiful mix of both of you. It was great to see you and to meet her 2 weeks back. Have a wonderful, rest-filled 🙂 spring!

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  1. Kari says:

    Jen, you are awesome…so talented! We love them all!! Thank you 🙂

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  1. Deza Allen says:

    These are so adorable – you are extremely talented! I am going to have to make a special trip down there this summer so you can take my family photos!

  2. Bia says:

    These are beautiful. We love all of you so very much! XXOO to our Hadlee.

  3. Treva says:

    These are absolutely the most adorable pictures I have ever seen….of course I just might be partial! Love that little Miss Hadlee….Momma T

  4. G_Ma Calhoun says:

    G-Ma Calhoun sezs: Love to Hadlee and Lukus and Chandee ….
    The pictures are as neat and sweet… as are the
    people we love that are in it.

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  1. Nickole says:

    so cute.. I love big sisters outfit!!!

  2. Lynne says:

    You captured my girls perfectly…..brings tears to my eyes. Thanks Jen, they are beautiful!!!!!

  3. Jen says:

    These photos of the little gals are gorgeous!

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Blessing Day


  1. Nickole says:

    The are getting so big.. Love em Jen

  2. Sara says:

    Wow! You captured this family perfectly. They all look so beautiful. What a wonderful memory.

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Miss Charlotte has a new baby sister . . . Hazel


  1. Tara says:

    I absolutly LOVE these!!… the one with her eyes crossed just kills me 🙂

  2. gary d. mccall says:

    The pictures you took of Charlotte and her family was very impressive two years ago, and these new works are WOW! The first set was for Tara’s birthday, this set for Jake’s birthday. Everyone is thankful for your superb talent. Gary

  3. Cristi B says:

    Oh my, my face is one big smile and my heart swells. Your artistic talent in photography brings a lot of joy to many families. The girls are absolutely stunning and you’ve caught them in their true spirit. OK, need to rearrange my family photo wall. Thank you for catching these special moments. Grandchildren ROCK

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Max and Luke


  1. Elizabeth says:

    Love, love, LOVE them. Thank you so much, they turned out perfect.

  2. Nickole says:

    The turned out so good…

  3. Vicki says:

    I love the pics! You guys look great!

  4. "Dine" says:

    Those are the best pics ever! What an awesome family! Now for Christmas…… 🙂

  5. "Dine" says:

    What a totally awesome family! you 2 deserve it! And you obviously have a very talented photog!
    Now for Christmas……. 🙂

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