Archive for April, 2011

From the “Little One’s” Workshop


  1. Amy Earle says:

    Jen, these are gorgeous!! It was so fun to meet you!! You are crazy talented!!

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Introducing . . . Penelope


  1. Jan Scripps says:

    unbelievable!!!!! a photographer and a model in the making! 🙂

  2. Julia Bailey says:

    Jen- These are beautiful!! Thank you so much for your hard work and amazing artistic ability!

  3. Amy Earle says:

    Wow! These are incredible!!

  4. Jan Scripps says:

    it just keeps getting better and better!!! I thought for a second about hiring you, Jen, to take a picture of me in scant clothing in that scale pose but soon came to my senses realizing that my weight would hold that scale down to such a low that you wouldn’t be able to spot me in your camera’s eye! In all seriousness here, you are very talented! Your photographs of Jack were incredible too!!

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The “G” Family


  1. Nickole says:


  2. Marilyn Dorman says:

    Not a bad picture in the bunch. Wonderful! Caught them all looking quite natural and beautiful.

  3. Rachel says:

    Jen, you are so good! You would never know we were all chasing Lottie around the studio. 🙂

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  1. Charlene says:

    These are excellent. She looks like a pro at this modeling thing. All of these are winners! Perfection

  2. Charisse says:

    These pictures of Cassidy turned out great. You captured her sweet, feisty personality really well. Thanks so much!

  3. Jennifer Jordan says:

    These pictures are both fabulous and sweet! Makes me feel like I am right there with her!Well done!

    • Jamie Grimes Hall says:

      Absolutely Adorable!!!! I bet Grandma is soooo proud of her little grandaughter 🙂 Good work Tyson. We will have to get our little girls together for a playdate soon. Wonderful wonderful pictures!

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We played with bunnies and chicks yesterday . . . wish you could’ve been there.


  1. chrissy says:

    Everyone is so cute!! You are Amazing Jen, can’t wait to see more!

  2. Kallie says:

    What a cute group of kiddies! These are so adorable.

  3. Kathy Snyder says:

    These are too cute!! I can’t wait to hear about herding the furry and fuzzy ones!!

  4. jill Lanfear says:

    Your pictures are amazing!! So sorry to have missed!!! If you by any chance do one more session…WE WILL BE THERE!!!

  5. Kelli Hall says:

    Oh my God…You are fantastic!!! what adorable kids!!!

  6. Liz Oler says:

    Ella’s picture turned out AMAZING! You are awesome! I can’t wait to see the others!

  7. Kim James says:

    Brooklynn’s picture is just darling!

  8. Trisha says:

    Cuteness overload!!! Loving Aaden’s Pics!! Can’t wait to see the rest!

  9. Nickole says:

    All that hard work of cleaning up chick poop was worth it when I look at these awesome pictures. The kids all did great and the pictures turned out soooo good.

  10. Alison Mahoney says:

    These pics are adorable! My boys look so handsome! Thanks Jen

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