Archive for May, 2011



  1. Dan and Angela says:

    Thank you Jen!!! Beautiful photo!

  2. Lori Kolilis says:

    Thats my nephew!!!! Super cute picture! XOXO Love you Lucas!

  3. Elizabeth says:

    Love the pictures! What a great looking family!

  4. Andrea Wilson says:

    Those are so cute!!!!!!! I never noticed it before but Lucas kind of has Angela’s eyes:):):)

  5. Lori Kolilis says:

    Awesome pic’s…. Lovin’ our outfit on him! Derek will love the one with the hat too! Love you guys!

  6. Treasa says:

    I am so happy for all of you. I miss Lucas very much but I can see how very happy he is… Thank you, Dan and Angela for being Lucas’ parents. Love and hope for forever…. Lucas’s Aunt Tree.

  7. Marlene Daybell says:

    Oh my. He looks like and angel. And you are all so beautiful and happy together, thanks for sharing these. Grandma Marlene and Grandpa Bryan

  8. Susie says:

    How adorable! You guys really are a beautiful family. Lucas is the cutesy baby in the whole world! Am I biased or what?:)

  9. Jennifer Quinn says:

    What a happy family! Susie, you are biased, but with good reason!!! 🙂 Lucas is adorable!!! So happy for this beatiful family! <3

  10. Nana Roberts says:

    The Lord truly had a plan in mind when this wonderful child was given to us. We are blessed to have Dan and Angela adopt Lucas. He will grow into a fine man and love his “extra” large family. I love you all so much.

  11. Karson and Betsy says:

    Dan!!!! This is Karson and Betsy. (Our daughter Izzy was in the NICU about 2 years ago) We have been thinking about you and your wife and hoping your adoption process was going well. What a beautiful little boy you have! Congratulations….we are so happy for you. Adoption is a miracle and you all look so happy.

  12. Karson and Betsy says:

    ….and always…Jen’s photography is AMAZING!

  13. Kaitlyn says:

    Lucas is absolutely the most beautiful little baby and Dan and Angela will be/are fabulous parents to him. I am so grateful for this little blessing and cannot wait to meet my new baby cousin!

  14. Lonni Leavitt-Barker says:

    Yippppeeeee! I knew from the moment I met Dan in the NICU that he’d be the most awesome dad. I am thrilled for you both. What a joy and the pictures are exquisite. Dan– I will never forget your wonderful advice when we found out our boy had Down’s. You were like an anchor for me back then. Now transfer all that love and care you gave all of our babies to your own. It is time! Congrats.

  15. Lynette Smith says:

    Simply adorable! Thank you for sharing! What a beautiful family! Love you guys!

  16. Treesa Edgar says:

    What a wonderful family. We are so happy for blessed addition.
    Love Terry and Treesa

  17. Amber Meservier says:

    Congratulations Dan and Angela!!! He is so precious and well worth the wait I’m sure It is really crazy how much he looks like you Angela….meant to be! Thanks for sharing these wonderful photos with us.

  18. Tori Whiting says:

    What wonderful pictures of a beautiful family! I’m glad to know I’m not the only one who thinks that he looks so much like Angela! This is a little boy who has truely been blessed with the most wonderful and loving parents a child could have…

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Ike and Rhodes


  1. martha snyder says:

    Thank you for sharing. The pictures are beautiful. While I’m away, I will be reminded what adorable sons the two of you have. I already miss them.

  2. Amber Meservier says:

    Congratulations Dan and Angela!!! He is so precious and well worth the wait I’m sure 🙂 It is really crazy how much he looks like you Angela….meant to be! Thanks for sharing these wonderful photos with us.

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Sam – one year


  1. Katie Larson says:

    Jen- I LOVE these so much I can’t stop looking at them!! We had such a great experience working with you. Thank you for these wonderful pictures, they bring tears to my eyes and we can’t wait to see the rest!

  2. Julie Larson says:

    I just got your web site today and I’ve already looked at these 3 times. You did such a good job with the props, scenery, color, etc….it also helps that he’s such a cute kid…maybe one of the cutest ever.

  3. Jinky Suarez says:

    These pics are SUPERB!!! Jen (hi Jen!) did a great job!!! Even I can’t stop looking at these!! I really think Sam should pose for some clothing line for kids!

  4. Val Oxendahl & Leona says:

    What a Cute, cute kid. We just got a picture today of Silas’s school picture. . . it is a dead heat!! What a little doll!! Great picture taker too. . . must be easy to work with such a cutie though!!! Love you! Val & Leona

  5. Joan Kulla says:

    WOW! These are so adorable. He is really a sweetie – and photographs so well! you should get him in commercials!

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Landon – 6 months


  1. jessica horton says:

    Jen- these are AMAZING! Words cannot express how much I love them, I’m very excited to see the rest! Thank you for capturing how sweet and wonderful my baby boy is! Were so grateful for these awesome pictures!!!

  2. Sara Wanstrom says:

    WOW these are AWESOME good job you made my nephew look so sweet because he is so sweet!!! Jess… Your baby/lil man is growing up too fast!!!

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  1. Cyd Linch says:

    They turned out so good!!!!!Thanks again, you do amazing work!

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  1. Dana Harvey says:

    love love LOVE them!! Can’t wait to see the rest!! You are so talented!

  2. Greg says:

    Precious, is the closest word I can think of when I see the LOVE in the eye’s of Mom and Dad. Great Job !

  3. Laura Focht says:

    What a beautiful baby and the pics are fabulous! Congratulations to the happy and very special couple!

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Gray – Mountain View Senior


  1. Tammy says:

    Wow!! These are amazing. Thank you!

  2. Angie Kynaston says:

    Awesome pictures!! Gray you are such a handsome guy!!

  3. J-Dubb says:

    Your such a cutie gray (: awwwww so cute

  4. Meisha Kurtz says:

    These are GREAT!!!

  5. Amy Miles says:

    Grey you look hot!

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  1. Nickole says:

    love the new backdrop

  2. Oma says:

    Toooo cute for words!!!

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Waiting for Stella . . .


  1. Jenny says:

    Thank you so much for making this such a wonderful experience! I absolutely LOVE the photos. You are incredibly talented! Can’t wait to see the rest of them!

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