Archive for March, 2012

Malachi . . . don’t you just want to kiss him!!


  1. Gretchen says:

    Absolutely perfect and, yes, I do want to kiss him! Love them….

  2. Kim says:

    I adore this little man. And I do kiss him every time I work with him!!

  3. Terra Compton says:

    Oh my gosh!! What personality he has!! They don’t make them any cuter than that!

  4. nickole says:

    The best model ever….

  5. Trisha nickel says:

    Jen they are so perfect! I love them!

  6. Jess says:

    Malachi is still so kissable…Awesome job

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Oren, Harper and Braxton . . . Happy 1st Birthday!!!


  1. cheryl harris says:

    OH my gosh I love these!!! SO cute! They have gotten so big and beautiful and such red hair on those boys! I wish I lived closer to see them more often. What a great family picture too. Congratulations on surviving the first year Alesha!

    • Amy Amado says:

      Wow!! Look how fabulous they look!! Well done surviving that first year :o) I remember our talk about how you thought you wanted just one and ended up with three instead and how much more fun it will be :o)

  2. Jessica says:

    They have grown so FAST and still so CUTE!!

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Bo and Brock [Capital High Seniors]


  1. Jody Osterhout says:

    Jen, these are GREAT! We love them. Thanks. You captured a TRUE “Bo look”

  2. Suzanne Gallup says:

    These are wonderful shots of the boys, and with your dad’s vintage cars and appearance-priceless! Terrific shots all-they are so handsome 🙂

  3. Lisa says:

    Awesome pictures of some very handsome boys!!

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Meet Bobby . . . 11 days old


  1. Deb says:

    Love his lips! Great pictures as always Jen! Congrats Robin and Jason….he is darling! I have been waiting all week to get another peek at him!

  2. Shelley & Mark says:

    Oh my Goodness, these are absolutely incredible! I am in shock! Love you all.

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Introducing . . . Ali


  1. christine says:

    Jen these are so amazing! you did such a great job! Thank you so much for letting me come over with Jenny 🙂

  2. Kathy Snyder says:

    Beautiful little girl!! What great photos! congrats to all.

  3. Jacquie Forsey says:

    Jenny she is perfect! What a beautiful family you have! Congrats to you and Ryan<3

  4. Jenny Etchart says:

    WOW Jen, you do such a great job! Thank you so much! It means so much to me to have such amazing newborn pictures to help remember this stage! You are so gifted and make it look so easy! Thank you!

  5. Kim King says:

    Beautiful family and photography…….good to see your family Jenny….Jen you are so gifted.

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Hannah, Isaac and Josie have a new baby brother . . . Kellen


  1. Carrie says:

    You are incredible! These are so beautiful! I can’t believe you already have these posted! They are beautiful! Thank you so much for your time and patience. You are so talented!

  2. Carrie says:

    ps….I wrote my last comment while blubbering and crying and being all emotional, hence the redundant beautiful comment! I have come back to your blog like every hour to stare and gawk at these and feel very grateful for you and your talent to take such beautiful, memorable photos. These will be a lifetime treasure! Thank you again!

  3. Carrie says:

    Here I go, crying again! Thank you for being so great!

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Calendar photo shoot for the Treasure Valley Down Syndrome Association . . . So much fun!


  1. Trisha says:

    LOVE LOVE LOVE ALL OF THEM!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thank you soooooo much!!!!! XOXO

  2. Laura Farris says:

    Darling pictures Jen!

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Meet Brooklyn


  1. Kathy Snyder says:

    What a precious darling! She looks like she really has a secret. So sweet. Great photos Jen. Love these.

  2. Maria Alexander says:

    I love these!! 🙂

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