Archive for July, 2012

The “K” Family’s . . . four little Indians


  1. nickole says:

    Really… quit teasing…. I want to see more!!!

  2. Peachy says:

    More please!!!

  3. Trisha says:

    Love them!!! Can’t wait to see more <3

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The “W” Family


  1. wendy says:

    Love. Love. Love. Thank you! Can’t wait to see more. You are awesome Jen

  2. Trisha nickel says:

    Wendy they all look so great! Great job Jen!

  3. Kristen Ware says:

    Oh my goodness! What gorgeous pictures of such an amazing family!!!!

  4. Danielle says:


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The “D” Family

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The “N” Family


  1. Kim says:

    Love them!!!! We can’t wait to see more! Thank you so much.

  2. Chris says:

    I cannot believe how incredible these all turned out!!! I am so excited to see the rest of them, and everyone that has seen them comments on how great they look!!! Thank you so much!!! You are amazing!!!

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Thomas is One!


  1. Sue Johnson says:

    These are the BEST pics EVER!! I can’t believe my great,great nephew is so adorable!

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The “H” Family


  1. SarahBeth says:

    After the rain, kids needing a bathroom when there wasn’t one, a hand smashed in the truck door, a wrist pulled out of socket….they turned out amazing!!! You did an awesome job and we love love love the pictures! I can’t wait to get the C.D. so I can see more! Thank you so much 🙂 We decided that the last one of the kids and Kye bending over looking through his legs pretty much describes our life haha Thanks again!!

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The Mini Cassia Sluggers

These are the cheerleaders . . . my nephew Payton and his friend Bailey

The cheerleaders are up one against Terrel!


  1. Dianne says:

    Great shots of a bunch of my favorite people!

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The “H” Family

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  1. Gretchen says:

    You got some awesome shots Jen! Good location 🙂

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