Archive for March, 2013

Luke, Jett and Boone [McCall, ID]


  1. Brenda Raguskus says:

    Jen I am always so impressed. You captured Debbie’s boys so magically!

  2. The mamma of the herd says:

    Love the pictures as always! Especially the personalities that you capture! The one of Boone running is SOOOO Boone! Body stance, facial expression…the Naughty “I’m Captain America” look! That will always be one of my 3 year old favorites of him! Gosh, you make my boys look handsome!! Thanks a million as always! You are the best!

  3. Deb & Luke says:

    Luke loves his shadow picture of him pulling Grady in the sled! He says “I sure am glad Jen can do magic!”

  4. Deb says:

    Love! LOve! LOVE!! the family silhouette! Just as my minds eye sees my four little boys! I am so grateful for the ability to visually see this image and hang it on my wall! You have no idea the peace it brings my soul Jen! I write this with tears welling up in my eyes and dripping on my iPad! I will forever be grateful for your friendship, talent and your compassionate soul these past six years! Especially your willingness and talent to work Grady into these precious silhouettes for me! Words are inadequate….only a mother with a baby in heaven can come close to feeling this…… 🙂 thank you from the bottom of my soul! I love you! Xoxox

  5. Bobbie Olson says:

    Many of these are just wonderful! The boys look natural and relaxed…like you’ve captured a moment in time no other has been able to. These are such a treasure.

  6. Debra Wood says:

    I cannot look at Luke without seeing Grady and his loving parents. I love that Grady was a part of these too! What an amazing and loving gift Jen! What a great and growing family!

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Sydney [7 days new]


  1. Penny & Gordon says:

    Congratulations. The baby is beautiful and all are glowing. We are very happy for you. Penny wishes she could be there to help.
    Love you all,
    Gordon and Penny

  2. Becky and Dan Seaman says:

    What gorgeous pictures of such a beautiful baby! You can see from whom she got her looks. 🙂 Congratulations to all of you, Mom & Dad and grandparents, Kay and Garry. We KNOW you are all going to spoil Sydney rotten. That will be prety easy to do!!
    Love, Becky and Dan

  3. kathy Mazzotta says:

    I can’t believe how beautiful these pictures are. And what a beautiful baby

    • Linda and John Post says:

      What a beautiful family. I love the pictures, they make me smile. Sydney is just beautiful. Congratulations!

  4. Diana McMichael says:

    She’s absolutely PERFECT! What beautiful photos, and what a beautiful family.

  5. Ann Warner says:

    WOW – Absolutely beautiful pictures and wonderful beyond words. I’m so excited and looking forward to seeing you guys next Wednesday. Love, Mom

  6. Trish says:

    Thanks Kay for sending these most beautiful photos! I still don’t know how the photographer got them. The first picture is amazing. Of course, while admiring Sydney, one can’t help but notice her hot parents. You all look great. You must be getting some sleep. Perhaps that is Kay’s doing ! Love to all,

  7. Hanna Koppe says:

    Congratulations! I do not think I have ever seen such cute pictures of a baby. Sydney is beautiful!

  8. barb lamperski says:

    Kay, what cute pictures! How do you get a new born to do those things???? She really is extra pretty. Her little lips and how she smiles when she’s with Drew and Jenny. I can tell you are not enjoying this at all!!!!! So happy for you. Barb

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Andon [10 days new]


  1. Gay Miller (aka grandma) says:

    What an adorable little grandson you have given us! And what a beautiful little family! Love you all, Grammy & Poppy

    What a talented photographer!

  2. Dorothy & Bob says:

    We are so thankful that we have lived long enough to see our beautiful baby boy come into the world! Andon is beautiful and so are his mom & dad. What a great looking family trio. Love you and best wishes and hope to see all of you soon.

  3. Sue (Gibbs) Gehrke says:

    Congratulations Angel and family! Your baby boy is beautiful! Thank you for sharing Gay, I love and miss you!

  4. Uncle Bill says:

    My great nephew is wonderful. You are a lovely family!

  5. Aunt Cyndi says:

    Super cutie! I’m so happy for Angel, Andon, and Andy!! Such a cute family!

  6. Grandpa & Kris says:

    What a sweet family,what a handsome little grandson Andon! Can’t wait to meet him soon,
    Love grandpa & Kris

  7. Lynn Gilroy says:

    These pictures are absolutely precious. What a wonderful keepsake. You all look beautiful and of course Handsome too. Congratulations on your adorable addition to your wonderful family…Love You

    Lynn marie

  8. Lacey Raye says:

    Hi 🙂 I love your work! I was just wondering, the photo of the baby girl laying on the chair, What kind of flower bow is that!? I’ve been looking all over? do you know the name of the flower or anything?

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Ella is three . . . and Liam six months!

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Brooklyn is One!!


  1. Elizabeth Hutchinson says:


    Once again, you’ve captured Brooklyn at her best! I’m so in love and can’t wait to see the rest of them! Thank you for the fabulous photos, we couldn’t be happier!

    Thanks again,
    The Hutchinson Family!!

  2. Karen Miller says:

    Adored these!! Great photographic talent and a big girl beauty…..can’t go wrong!

  3. Christina Questad says:

    So precious! You’ll have to shoot Brooklyn and Henry’s wedding…;)

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