Archive for May, 2013

Please forgive me . . .

I want to apologize for those of you waiting for your CDs, and waiting for responses to email . . . I’ve been a little preoccupied.  My sister delivered her baby by emergency C-section this week at 30 weeks gestation.  He was born with a condition called SVT (rapid heart rate).  He was also born with a lot of excess fluid on his body, making him very sick.  Needless to say, it has been rough several days.  He is on the ventilator and is still very critical.  I promise I will get to my emails soon, and I will be working on your discs as much as possible.  Please try to be patient with me the next few weeks.  Oh, and keep little “Crew” in your prayers.  Thank you!

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The “M” Family


  1. Jennifer Jordan says:

    Beautiful images of 2 special princesses!!

  2. Karen & Ed says:

    Love our two little angels to the moon!

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Harper is One!

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Wyatt [7 days new]

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The “D” Family


  1. danielle says:

    Thanks Jen! As usual….amazing!!!

  2. Trisha nickel says:

    Jen I love them great family!

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The “C” Family is expecting . . .


  1. Danielle says:

    Beautiful pics of a beautiful couple 🙂

  2. Zeke and AnnMarie says:

    We don’t think you even look that prego!!!! BEAUTIFUL photos though! You both look fabulous and so happy!

  3. BJ says:

    Awesome pictures! You both just radiate LOVE! God bless!

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Milan is 3 months . . a few for now


  1. Kailie says:

    Okay, I am in love with your photos! Stunning! And this baby? MMMM, so baby hungry right now 🙂

  2. danielle says:

    Gorgeous!!! what a pretty little lady 🙂

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Brielle is Two!


  1. Dana says:

    Amazing as usual Jen!! Thank you so much!

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Paige [12 days new]

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Naveed is 6 months


  1. allia perkins says:

    oh my gosh they turned out so good!! you would have never known he was such a cry baby that day!! thank you again, you just made my monday!!

  2. Candace Perkins says:

    Beautiful Grandboy & one of a kind!! Loves the camera!

  3. Cheri Elms says:

    What beautiful pictures!

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