Archive for February, 2014

Nora . . . 8 days new

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Easton is One!


  1. Erin Webb says:

    Jen- Thank you sooo much! I love them all! Your work is so amazing

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Sydney is One!


  1. Jenny says:

    Beautiful Jen! Once again you have captured some beautiful Sydney smiles. Thank you so much!

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Javier . . . 9 days new


  1. Helen says:

    Jen, these are so great! Thank you, Thank you

  2. Lori (Helen's sister) says:

    Oh my gosh! These are amazing!!! Love, love, love them all!

  3. Tona Simms says:

    Absolutely Gorgeous!!!

  4. Jenna Wilhite says:

    Helen, you were one of our most favorite nurses for our baby boys Oliver and Jackson. Your little man is absolutely adorable! Congratulations! Jen, once again….AWESOME pictures 🙂

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Cooper is One!


  1. Nickole says:

    What a cute Cooper!! Love them Jen!

  2. Laura says:

    Love them Jen, thanks so much!

  3. Camille Holleran says:

    Love this boy! The pictures turned out amazing!!!

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Wil and Jon have a new baby brother . . . Sam


  1. tess echanis says:

    Great pictures as always Jenn – Thank you!!

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Crew is 6 months “corrected”


  1. Delaney Schow says:

    Jen this is Delaney. These pictures are so cute of Crew.

  2. Trisha nickel says:

    Love them all Nee Nee!

  3. Nora says:

    Love them all! Well maybe the kisses ones the best . Such a happy baby.

  4. Janet Miller says:

    These are beautiful Jen. Please email me. I would love to purchase several. I am Crew’s great aunt from Chicago and love your work!

    Thanks, Janet

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  1. Sharon says:

    So gorgeous!

  2. Deb says:

    Peter is darling! Congrats! I LoVe the pictures with the log Jen!! And the single of mom/Peter and dad/Peter are Precious!!

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