Archive for May, 2014

Alexis and Jack have a new baby sister . . . Madilyn


  1. Terra Compton says:

    Those are so precious! Leslee they are just beautiful!!! Jen great job;) your amazing!

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A baby on the way for the “M” family


  1. Mari Anne Figgins says:

    So beautiful and I love the unzipped jeans. You both look great and these are so exciting to see. WOW.

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Mallory is One!


  1. Danny Dahlberg says:

    Sweet Mallory is 1 already?! Wow!! Great pics Jen!!

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The “D” Family


  1. Danny Dahlberg says:

    Thanks Jen! I am once again in LOVE with these 🙂 Need to make some more room on the wall!!

  2. Trisha nickel says:

    I love them all!

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Crew’s 1st Birthday Bash


  1. Nickole says:


  2. Terra says:

    I love them all! Such a great party;)

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The “M” Family


  1. Laurie says:

    Jen, amazing as always!

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Joren is One!

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