Archive for October, 2016

The “M” Family

dsc_5611dsc_5341 dsc_5170 dsc_5161 dsc_5195 dsc_5188 dsc_5240 dsc_5211 dsc_6095cdsc_6025cc dsc_5889 dsc_5770 dsc_5756ccdsc_5426dsc_5302

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The “H” Family

dsc_4988cdsc_4401dsc_4672dsc_4735dsc_4350 dsc_4356 dsc_4639dsc_4568cdsc_4434 dsc_4458 dsc_4842


  1. Mandy says:

    Love these! Can’t believe how many great shots with natural smiles you got of the girls! As always, thank you so much for your patience and wonderful, artistic skills!

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dsc_4050dsc_3899 dsc_3861 dsc_3937cdsc_4204cdsc_4087dsc_4097dsc_4132 dsc_4113dsc_4185dsc_4168c

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Holland is One!

dsc_3739dsc_3567 dsc_3498 dsc_3413 untitleddsc_3243dsc_2840dsc_2866dsc_2986dsc_3139 dsc_3171 dsc_1819dsc_1995c

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The “H” Family

dsc_1039cdsc_1080cdsc_1649 dsc_1602 dsc_1095 dsc_1222cdsc_1263 dsc_1244dsc_1523cdsc_1431dsc_1380cdsc_1360dsc_1634dsc_1673dsc_1679


  1. Sarah says:

    I just checked your blog for the first time since these were taken! Love them!

  2. Grammy Molly says:

    Wow…Love these pictures of my kids and grandkids. Great photography!

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dsc_0561c dsc_0545 dsc_0494 dsc_0520 dsc_0935 dsc_0635 dsc_0610 dsc_0662 dsc_0697 dsc_0691cdsc_0716cdsc_0729c dsc_0915-2


  1. Caitlin says:

    Gorgeous photos of your new little girl! I’m very happy for you!!! The picture of her next to little Audrey is priceless. Happy birthday, Gemma!!!

  2. Nora says:

    Perfect in every way.

  3. Nichole H says:

    These are so adorable! I’m so happy for your family!

  4. Becky says:

    Absolutely beautiful! Congratulations to the three of you!

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The “H” Family

dsc_9955c dsc_9878 dsc_9873 dsc_0027dsc_0016 dsc_9980 dsc_0109 dsc_0119 dsc_0239c dsc_0232c dsc_0209c dsc_0182 dsc_0097 dsc_0373


  1. Barbara says:

    Thank you Jen!!! So excited to have these photos. You make us look good

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The “Q” Family

dsc_9640dsc_9594c dsc_9435 dsc_9160 dsc_9058dsc_8998 dsc_9091dsc_8991 dsc_9016 dsc_9238 dsc_9103 dsc_9365 dsc_9301 dsc_9296 dsc_9282 dsc_9261 dsc_9308 dsc_9326 dsc_9342


  1. Christina Questad says:

    Amazing jen!

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The “M” Family

dsc_7654dsc_7422c dsc_7402 dsc_7754 dsc_7297 dsc_7328c dsc_7323c dsc_8208dsc_7960dsc_7392c dsc_7397-2c dsc_7978 dsc_8061dsc_8094c

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The “B” Family

dsc_8961c dsc_8877 dsc_8281 dsc_8269c dsc_8357 dsc_8349 dsc_8338 dsc_8241-recovered dsc_8254 dsc_8322 dsc_8567 dsc_8541 dsc_8465 dsc_8447 dsc_8510 dsc_8623 dsc_8669 dsc_8642

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