Archive for December, 2016


dsc_4839c dsc_4747 dsc_4773cdsc_4797 dsc_4848 dsc_4867 dsc_4897 dsc_4943 dsc_4929 dsc_4954 dsc_5006 dsc_5172


  1. Robin says:

    Once again, you made us look so much better than we are. Thank you! I LOVE these pictures.

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dsc_4304c dsc_4285ccdsc_0891cc dsc_4227ccdsc_4170c dsc_4205 dsc_4184c dsc_4323 dsc_4334dsc_4401dsc_4347cdsc_4440

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dsc_3925 dsc_3895 dsc_3882 dsc_3859dsc_3955dsc_4008dsc_3966 dsc_3974dsc_4023dsc_4039dsc_4051 dsc_4070


  1. Shalise says:

    Jen these are amazing!! Love them!! Thanks so much and I am so happy he fit in that pocket!!!

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Beckett Grace

dsc_3472dsc_3432dsc_3514dsc_3553 dsc_3574dsc_3605cdsc_3594 dsc_3563 dsc_3635 dsc_3617dsc_3686ccdsc_3832c

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dsc_2856 dsc_2862 dsc_2933 dsc_2971 dsc_2990c dsc_2885 dsc_2886 dsc_2896 dsc_2777 dsc_2694


  1. Jake says:

    That’s my boy! Love you Harrison! You’re a master of your craft Jen! Thank You-

  2. Grandma E says:

    Oh, what beautiful babies!! I love them all and so good to see you all together. Pass these around to the rest of the family. Some members have never seen them. Love to all of you. Grandma

  3. Jenny says:

    My dream has been fulfilled!! I got Jen Schow newborn pics!! So glad Harrison is finally home so we could get his done too! Jen, you are AMAZING!! I love these pictures so much! Thank you again and again!!

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Introducing . . . Poppy and Cash

dsc_3101 dsc_3285cdsc_3260c dsc_3309dsc_3255dsc_3402 dsc_3417dsc_3338 dsc_3236dsc_3378 dsc_3191 dsc_3158

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Josie is One!

dsc_1936 dsc_2002 dsc_2095 dsc_2157c dsc_2355 dsc_2339c dsc_2403 dsc_2463 dsc_2610 dsc_2664


  1. Jenni jensen says:

    Once again, such a great job! Thank you Jen!

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