• Mimi says:

    these are awesome! Want to see more too!!

  • Auntie Mandi says:

    These turned out great! I can’t wait to see the rest of them. Grayson looks so happy and he is getting so big! What a good looking family 🙂 Love you all so much. XOXOXO

  • Grandpa Ron says:

    I cannot believe how much he is changing. He just looks like he is always happy and is having fun. I can’t wait to see him. And for you Tyler and Jamie, I love and miss you too.

  • gram neva & bill says:

    gorgeous family, can’t waite to see you at thanksgiving. love you three tons……

  • Leave a Comment



    1. Aunt Cindy says:

      What a beautiful family….my little guy is growing up too fast. Can’t wait to see more pictures..

    2. Mimi says:

      these are awesome! Want to see more too!!

    3. Auntie Mandi says:

      These turned out great! I can’t wait to see the rest of them. Grayson looks so happy and he is getting so big! What a good looking family 🙂 Love you all so much. XOXOXO

    4. Grandpa Ron says:

      I cannot believe how much he is changing. He just looks like he is always happy and is having fun. I can’t wait to see him. And for you Tyler and Jamie, I love and miss you too.

    5. gram neva & bill says:

      gorgeous family, can’t waite to see you at thanksgiving. love you three tons……